
Now Available in Velocity

Albums from The Salvatore Cincotta Collection by H&H are now available in Velocity! Now you can design and order any 8×8, 8×10, 10×10, 12×12, or 11×14 cover style including all options such as metal inlays, presentation boxes, dimensional ink, and more!

If you are already a Velocity user, you can access this upgrade by launching the software and using the auto-update feature. If you are new to Velocity, you can click the button at the bottom to download for PC or Mac.

Velocity is a full featured album and book design software provided free to all of our customers. It currently supports all the square album and photographic pano books we offer. Also included are 4×5 aspect ratio (4×5, 5.5×7, 8×10, 11×14) gallery lay-flat albums and photographic pano books.

Once installed, any new project will have the option of creating an album from the Salvatore Cincotta Collection by H&H. Projects created before the upgrade will not have the option to switch to this Collection.